Goulburn Post

Top Things You May Forget To Do During A Home Improvement Project

Don't overlook critical details that can have significant consequences down the line during your next major renovation. Picture Shutterstock
Don't overlook critical details that can have significant consequences down the line during your next major renovation. Picture Shutterstock

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Is your home in dire need of a major renovation or update?

Whether you're looking to transport a living room that's stuck in the 1980s to the modern day, or are envisioning a brand new kitchen that will serve as a stunning backdrop for your culinary adventures, embarking on a home improvement project can be a pretty darn exciting time.

However, amidst all the brainstorming, design planning and never-ending trips to the local hardware store, it can be all too easy to overlook critical details that can have significant consequences down the line.

Now we don't know about you, but we are certainly no fans of unwelcome surprises, especially when it comes to something as substantial as a home improvement project.

That's why, in this article, we're going to shine a spotlight on the top things you may forget to do during a home improvement project.

So if you're looking to ensure that your renovation is a roaring success instead of a fabulous flop, read on to find out more.

Review & Update Your Home Insurance Policy

One of the most common aspects that excited home renovators often forget is the need to review and refine home insurance policies after a home improvement project. Renovations or improvements of any sorts inadvertently change the value and risk profile of your property, so it's crucial to ensure that your insurance coverage accurately reflects your gorgeous new alterations.

For example, if you're adding square footage or making major updates to your kitchen or bathroom, you'll want to update your policies to reflect these changes. The last thing you want is to find out that your insurance coverage falls short when you need it most, especially when you've splashed out so much of your hard earned money on said improvements.

If you want to go the extra mile, you could even consider purchasing a renovators home and contents insurance place to cover any potential loss or damage during the project. Nothing is worse than finding out your hardwood flooring has been damaged, or that your walls have been scratched, and this type of insurance will help to ensure your home is protected from start to finish.

Secure Your Licences and Permits

Another often forgotten step in the renovation process is ensuring that you've secured all the licences and permits you'll need to conduct renovations or upgrades legally. Unfortunately, failing to do this or comply with your local council's regulations can lead to costly fines, delays, or even having to undo the work.

Generally, you will not need any special permissions for basin upgrades within your home, but if you are planning to extend your property (adding another level or expanding outward significantly), you may require a building or planning permit from your local council.

If you're unsure as to whether you need certain licenses or permits, it's always a good idea to err on the side of caution and get in touch with your local council to seek guidance. This will ensure that your home improvement project complies with local laws and regulations.

Never Underestimate The Costs

We're all aware that nothing in life is free, and that home improvement projects often cost a fair chunk of change. However, it's all too easy to underestimate the actual costs involved. Many excited renovators embark on projects with a specific budget in mind, only to be blindsided by an array of unexpected expenses along the way. These costs can more than quickly add up, potentially stretching your budget or causing your project to come to a halt.

Fortunately, you can bypass this sticky situation with ease. For starters, always plan your budget with a contingency fund in mind. Set these funds aside for any nasty surprises that may arise, such as hidden structural issues, design changes, or unexpected delays in construction. In other words, prepare for the worst, but hope for the best.

Additionally, be sure to obtain a variety of different quotes from contractors and suppliers so that you are able to snag the best deal. And don't forget to do your own thorough research into the costs of materials too. This can provide a more accurate estimation of your expenses, and ensure that you're not forking out any more than you have to.

Plan For Temporary Accomodation

If you were under the impression that temporary accommodation was for people who are, well, bulldozing their homes, think again. Unbeknownst to many, even seemingly less disruptive home improvement projects can render many parts of your home temporarily uninhabitable.

For example, if you are repainting your entire house, it's important to remember that many paint types can release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air. This can be problematic if you have pets, children, or family members with respiratory issues such as asthma. Similarly, renovating a kitchen could leave you without a functional cooking space for several weeks, leaving your daily life disrupted.

So depending on the scope and duration of your home improvement project, you may need to plan for temporary accommodation. Whether it's crashing with friends, family members, or booking an Airbnb, having a backup place to stay ensures a smoother experience. This way, not only will you be able to ensure the safety and comfort of your family members, but you'll also bypass the stress and inconvenience of living in a construction zone.

Communicate With Neighbours

It's no secret that home improvement projects can be noisy and disruptive, which is why communicating with your neighbours is key. After all, no one wants to be known as the neighbourhood troublemaker!

So before you embark on your project, take the time to inform your neighbours about the upcoming renovations. Let them know about the scope and duration of the work, as well as any potential disruptions they might experience, such as increased noise, blocked driveways, or temporary inconvenience.

Additionally, it is important to ensure that you comply with local noise ordinances, which may specify specific hours when construction noise is not permitted. Adhering to these regulations not only ensures that you don't land in hot water with your local council, but also shows respect for your neighbours' peace and quiet. It's a small courtesy that can go a long way in keeping the peace while your home transformation is underway.

Protect Your Belongings

Nothing is worse than realising that your belongings, from precious keepsake to expensive rugs, have been damaged during your home improvement project. As mentioned above, securing home and contents insurance is a godsend in these situations, as is taking a few other precautionary steps to help ensure your belongings remain in pristine condition.

For starters, a simple and inexpensive way to ensure that dust, debris and paint doesn't find its way to the surface of your belongings and furniture is to invest in cheap plastic covers or drop sheets - you'll be able to find these at any hardware or home supplies store. These are great for covering flooring, sofas, tables, and other items, creating a protective barrier that shields your valuables from potential damage.

Additionally, it's wise to pack and store your smaller, more delicate belongings in sealed containers or clearly labelled plastic bins with lids. Not only will this prevent them from being damaged, but it will also make the process of unpacking and organising your items much more efficient in the post-renovation world.

Ensure Safety Is At The Forefront

Another thing to remember is that safety is paramount when undertaking a home improvement project, especially if you're going the DIY route. Whether you're wielding power tools, working with hazardous substances such as paint thinners and epoxy, or handling construction materials, it's crucial to prioritise safety above all else.

You should always wear appropriate PPE for the task at hand, ensure work areas are well ventilated, and turn off utilities when necessary to prevent accidents and injuries. Furthermore, if you're tackling projects that disturb materials like asbestos or lead paint, be aware of the health risks and follow proper containment and disposal procedures to protect yourself and your family from potential harm.

Note: When it comes to electricals, never cut corners. As tempting as it may be to save a bit of cash by doing things yourself, it's crucial that you hire a qualified electrician for any electrical work in your home improvement project. Electrical systems are complex and incredibly dangerous (or even fatal) when mishandled, so it's best to leave the job to the professionals

Don't Expect Everything Will Go According To Plan

Last but not least, do yourself a massive favour: don't expect anything to go as planned. Home improvement projects are notorious for their unpredictability, and even the most meticulous of plans can encounter unexpected hiccups, delays, or setbacks. As such, it's vital to maintain a flexible mindset and be prepared to adapt as challenges arise.

To mitigate potential mishaps, it's always a good idea to factor some extra time into your schedule, so that you can stay on track even if things don't go as planned. Additionally, having a contingency plan for dealing with unexpected issues such as weather-related delays will ensure your project keeps chugging along even when faced with unexpected obstacles.

The moral of the story is: only ever expect the unexpected. It'll save you a ton of stress and worry, allowing you to navigate your home improvement project with greater ease and resilience.


And there you have it - everything you may (or may not) forget to do during your upcoming home improvement project.

By considering these often-overlooked aspects, you'll be better equipped to transform your house into the dream home you've always envisioned.

So jump into your overalls, roll up your sleeves, and let's turn those DIY dreams into Instagram-worthy reality.